
Welcome to our news page. Here you’ll find all the latest from Harbour Hope, in more detail than on our social media platforms. Super fans assemble!

10th June 2024
It’s been a busy couple of months at Harbour Hope. Between Theo working at sea, River visiting their partner, Bug being home for the Summer, Peggy starting a new position, and Elliott neck-deep in data, our capacity has been thin. But fear not! Things are moving! We published our Harbour Hope Student Housing Cooperative information flyer last week and saw a great response to that, we are working on contacting those who are interested in living at the Student Chalet at Inverliever Lodge with more information.

We are also submitting our offer to the owners this week! Very exciting, but not without its stresses. Buying a property as a housing cooperative is a minefield in itself. Luckily, we registered as a housing cooperative months ago and we are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, we had to find an accountant that supports our venture and a bank account that we could use. All of these things have taken time and energy to find, this information is not easy to come by!

So we have decided to make a short documentary on this project. We want other people to see that these things are possible and not have to do quite so much legwork to make it happen! Next week on our socials, we’ll be posting some short infographics about what Harbour Hope is and aims to become, what a housing cooperative is, in terms of a Mutual Home Ownership Society, and what a student housing cooperative is. These will be bite-sized informational posts to remove some of the mystery. All of this, and more, will be included in our documentary, which we are very excited about bringing to fruition.

Anyway, I think that’s probably enough rambling for the time being, and we all know there’s plenty more rambling to be done, so check back in for more updates next time.
